I began writing a description of the Arduino unit and then I decided theirs was better.
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. - http://arduino.cc/en/
While looking at all the fun stuff on the website http://hackaday.com/ I noticed a pattern. So many of the titles had Arduino in it. Figured I would see exactly what it was an wow, a prefabbed unit desigend for people to build all sorts of goodies.
Now its my turn. I am thinking I want to start with what has been done, and then move on from there. My first goal will be to use SiriProxy and my iPhone to control the temperature in my home. Using VPN, I believe I will be able to adjust the temperature even while I'm on the road. So for those weekends away, I can leave my heating down to a bitter 55ish degrees and when I'm on my way home, I can adjust it remotely and have it nice and warm by the time I pull in the drive.
Yes, I do realize that I must be a huge geek for being excited about this, but for those who were thinking the same thing, me being a geek that is, is only because this type of action isn't mainstream yet and you haven't had time to take it for granted.
I am truly intrigued at all of the projects popping up using Arduino, Microsoft's Kinect, and other setups. The possibilites are endless and the platforms have already been developed and handed to us in a nice shiny box!
Time to get my learn on. Fortunatly for me, my best friend is an electrician by trade, and he can expect that I will be hounding him about all sorts of basic electrical questions. Capacitors, voltage,
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